getting back into buzz

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getting back into buzz

Post by namdans »

hi, found out by accident that buzz is still alive. i used it over 10 years ago. abandonded it then for fl studio and later ableton live. but always missed the tracker style and the freedom you have in wiring plugins and creating weird sound textures.

would love to use the software again. my main concern is the stability when using buzz with vst plugins. back then i used the first polac vst loader plugins and i remember how frustrating it was because buzz crashed all the time on my machine.

how is it nowadays? is using vsti and vst plugins a "normal" thing and buzz stays stable with commercial plugins like fabfilter and waves effects, sylenth, spire, serum, nexus, omnisphere, arturia v collection, etc? can i use these without worrying too much?

then, i only installed 64bit versions of all plugins. is there a real difference in stability between the recommended 32bit buzz version and the experimental 64bit version?
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by JMC »

You came here by accident? No way, its you'r way of life, its your destination ;)

There is a Topic, viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2168, just below your topic +/-
I think it will may intrest you.

They talk about new Buzz stuff and Polac VST.
About the 64 32 bit problem, I dont know, i think most people use the recomended version, how ever i think the 64 version can handle 64 and 32 bit stuff.

To answer if Buzz will crash or not, is not so simple as you may think.
It depends on the machine mix you use, Buzz is still a freak as it always was :lol:
Some machines can crash imeadiatly, some only in combination with others, some will never crash, the best way to find it out is to try and test :o
Also see the machine blacklist in the wiki, some are known to make problems, mostly very rare old machines, but also here, you may will find some blacklisted machines which will work in your case some how.
You realy have to try it to get close to sure.

As you like FL and the graphical stuff, you may also have to check out the new Pattern XP mod and press some ctrl+g keys or was it ctrl+q :roll: .
There is also a new sequencer, looks a bit like in FL too :mrgreen:

If you like it you should also install the old Monster Pack with a lot of old machines or visit the plugins page. If there is a comercial Filter which does not work, you will may find a better native Buzz filter that does the same ;)

So welcome back and good luke ;)
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by polac »

would love to use the software again. my main concern is the stability when using buzz with vst plugins. back then i used the first polac vst loader plugins and i remember how frustrating it was because buzz crashed all the time on my machine.

how is it nowadays? is using vsti and vst plugins a "normal" thing and buzz stays stable with commercial plugins like fabfilter and waves effects, sylenth, spire, serum, nexus, omnisphere, arturia v collection, etc? can i use these without worrying too much?
Never had too big problems with my loaders, odd that it was so crashy for you. ;)

You can download the latest loaders here:

then, i only installed 64bit versions of all plugins. is there a real difference in stability between the recommended 32bit buzz version and the experimental 64bit version?
There's a 64bit and a 32bit version of the loader so you could also use it in 64bit buzz. But you could also use 64bit vsts in 32bit buzz via a bridge, the vsts run in separate processes. However if using 32bit buzz I would still recommend to use the 32bit version of your vsts, it's more tested and stable. I know there are some vsts not working properly in a separate process and it uses more cpu too.
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by mute »

pvst is stable as a rock
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by ags »

Also, nowadays if a plugin crashes it should not crash the host.
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by IXix »

ags wrote:Also, nowadays if a plugin crashes it should not crash the host.
The crash protection isn't completely foolproof. I still get occasional crashes that kill Buzz but it doesn't happen often or regularly enough for me to figure out what's happening. Seems to be when loading another song while I've already got one open, so I usually hit the new song button before loading a different one.

In general though, Buzz is waaaaaaaaaaaay more stable than it used to be and is generally better than ever in all respects. Still love my Buzz, even though I don't get to play with it much at the moment.
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by mik82 »

Does anyone remember the noise bursts?
Nice quiet music, then PPSSSCCHHHHHHHAAAAGGHH, scrabbling for the volume control before your eardrums burst?
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by Buzztler »

mik82 wrote:Does anyone remember the noise bursts?
:lol: Yes, I remember the bursts cause they still happen on my WinXP-system, regularly with old buzz-stuff and sometimes with a complete new setup ... :D. I checked the whole setup and didnt find any bug, same as the scrollbars in ILLKES buzztheme disappear at a lower screen resolution ... who cares :?: ... thats the cult of buzz ...
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by szaszhareen »

pvst is wicked solid. the only crashes I've had were with crappy free plugins, and they only crashed that instance of the loader, not the whole song. I quit using those plugins and haven't had any problems.

thanks polac! :D
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by nikmis »

I use jeskola buzz everyday! for so long now.

It's a little lonely when you respond to questions out there on the internet like "what DAW do you use" and then nobody even knows what you are talking about. I couldn't even imagine using a different DAW. At some point I am going to be 75 years old and Oskari and all the other devs will be dead and windows 25 will come out and be a required update for all citizens and jeskola buzz won't be compatible. I just won't know what to do with myself
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by Tiadiad »

To be honest Buzz is my safest DAW when it comes to doing the really complex chaining with any commercial plugs I got my hands on. Fab filter, waves, d16, u-he, flux, NI...etc., smooth. And that's X64. The only crashes happen due to plugin failures themselves rather than Buzz and all the polac magic. Arturia instruments work great, except I noticed that Jupiter effect section does not save jack so snap a pic or print :geek: It's safe, it's sexy, it needs you, it wants you.
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by imiafan »

is it possible to use the old machines in the 64bit versiion of Buzz?
I am getting this error.
2017-06-02 22_31_02-Untitled_ - Buzz x64 - [Machines].png
2017-06-02 22_31_02-Untitled_ - Buzz x64 - [Machines].png (42.01 KiB) Viewed 9598 times
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by Asa »

%1 is not a valid Win32 application msg seems to be from 64 bit Windows. Got the same result.
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by etruscan »

I recently had a spate of using 64-bit Buzz and found that some of my favourite machines didn't work with it. I then went through a phase of tracking down the source code and compiling 64-bit .DLLs as required, which became too labour-intensive. In the end I went back to 32-bit Buzz.

My advice would be not to use the 64-bit version unless there's a specific reason why you need to. (In my case I needed to access >3GB RAM as I was loading lots of big samples into BTDSys AudioTrack. Ultimately it was better to find a work-around and stick with the 32-bit version, which is more machine-friendly.)
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Re: getting back into buzz

Post by mcbpete »

Yeah there really doesn't seem to be any need to run x64 Buzz at the moment (if at all). Even if you have a whole bunch of 64bit VST/i (and are running a 64bit OS), the 32 bit version will load them fine: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1751&start=20#p13666
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