-or just doubleclick for new point, doubleklick on existing point = delete it (?)
-How about an input window, giving the number of repetitions of the loop (you can calculate the pattern length then)Enabling looping disables resizing pattern automatically because AudioBlock does not know how long you plan to loop. Instead you need to resize pattern to loop longer.
-Do you plan an offset for loops?
- first (and last?) point is editable only after "unfreezing all" (Both volume and pan)
- same after moving sliders I think, all are freezed. Is it feature?
- adding point without any point visible produces error message (mscorlib, out of range blabla negative value blabla)
- disabling loop crashed buzz (can not report what I have done before)
- blurred second Audioview wave s, picture after moving zoom slider to the very left.