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Machine does not implement MidiNote

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:54 pm
by UNZ
Jeskola PianoRoll says this about my machine, but i do implement MidiNote like this:

void mi::MidiNote(int const channel, int const value, int const velocity)

what's missing ? it doesn't complain about pvst.

and another question: when i switch on the midi-note column in pxp and enter two notes after each other, right when you enter the second note, the first one gets a note off.
it does something like this:
NOTE ON c-4 (velocity 100)
NOTE ON c-5 (velocity 100)
NOTE OFF c-4 (velocity 0 = noteoff)

this seems wrong to me? what if i want to hold the c-4 note? imho the note should be held until i tell it to OFF...

Re: Machine does not implement MidiNote

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:10 pm
by UNZ
i just saw this in machineinterface.h

virtual bool MachineImplementsFunction(CMachine *pmac, int vtblindex, bool miex);

since my machine inherits from:
class mi : public CMachineInterface, public CMachineInterfaceEx

my vtable is probably different.. ?

Re: Machine does not implement MidiNote

Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:34 pm
by UNZ
ok, i compiled a release build of the machine and the problem went away...

that leaves only the question about midi-note-off in pxp.