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Humanize in BUZZ, what values do you use?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 10:37 am
by HerrFornit

I have found two (three) ways to humanize in BUZZ.

Polac VSTi loader, which I use, see picture
Global command in Polac VSTi loader, variable randomization as I understand.

Cntrl+Shift+R, fixed randomized values between 2 values/notes.

Humanizer machines?
Not experienced with that.
humaniz polac.jpg
humaniz polac.jpg (41.48 KiB) Viewed 3087 times
What values do you think/feel are good?

Re: Humanize in BUZZ, what values do you use?

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:18 pm
by mridlen
I like to humanize manually (velocity and timing), especially with drums.

Re: Humanize in BUZZ, what values do you use?

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:54 pm
by Joachip
What values are "good" depends very much on the situation and the kind of music you're doing. And it's cumbersome to deal with in Buzz because trackers can only do note delay with positive values, making it a hassle to place a note before the natural position of the tick.

But as far as I can tell from various R'n'B inspired beats and genres that I've heard recently, note delays are fortunately often a delay, which is easy in Buzz.

And then there are all the situations where western music theory tries to explain non-western music by saying that they're playing "laid-back" or "using note delays" in situations where this is not the case, but the rhythm simply cannot be described using our usual notation schemes. Example. Columbian and mexican cumbia techno trival is another example of this.