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Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:46 pm
by MarC
Hello there :)

I've been away from the Buzz scene for quite a bit - mainly due to work and illness (one did not cause the other, btw). My last song was in 2013 and my last buzz machine was even longer ago - it was the mp3 loader (does anyone still use that?)

I was going over my previous work and some of the songs are really quite crowded on the machine view. What would be useful for me is some kind of machine that can host other machines, store and change their parameters, and even export/import configurations of hosted machines & parameters.

Is there anything like this already, or should I get my coding boots on and get started on coding something? I vaguely recall a "group" machine existing, but I'm not sure on its status, or how complete it is/was.

I am a professional C++ coder, and i've done my fair share of reverse engineering (I think I even reverse engineered the buzz wav compression at some point), so learning the ropes is not required for me.

Anyway, it's good to see the buzz scene is still alive, and I would like to keep myself busy during this time of self-isolation. So either the buzz group machine would be good to delve into, or some other project that anyone can suggest.

Re: Hello

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:02 pm
by HerrFornit
Hey, MarC :) welcome!

I can not say welcome BACK, because I am active in this forum since 2017 only.
Not that many coders are active here, so for myself I can say a professional c++ (!) coder is highly welcome.
I am not familiar with all that machines but are you thinking to peer machines (controlling parameters of other machines e.g. BTDSys's machines, Peerstate?).

If I could really code (perhaps I would try c# but I don't understand all that) I would do first a machine adding a real timeline to the new buzz sequence view. ;)

Greetings to England over there! (from south Germany)
Take care.

Re: Hello

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:29 pm
by polac
Is there anything like this already, or should I get my coding boots on and get started on coding something? I vaguely recall a "group" machine existing, but I'm not sure on its status, or how complete it is/was.
There was a machine called Btdsys Groupie, however don't know if it still works with the latest Buzz version. I have the sourcecode flying around on my hd.

Re: Hello

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 7:44 pm
by MarC
Not quite a peer machine, no.

Here is a picture. It's not the most complex of my songs, but it will demonstrate the point.
Untitled.png (222.98 KiB) Viewed 4519 times
Want I wanted was for all the machines in the pink box to be actually contained in a single "group" or "cluster" (I like the word "cluster") machine. Those machines would be removed from the main buzz view and would remove clutter from the workspace.

The GUI of the machine would be a mini-buzz machine view, allowing connections and parameters of machines to be configured as you wish.

Any parameter of any machine inside the "cluster" can also be controlled by parameters of the single machine itself. Configuration would allow you to assign parameter X of the single machine to any parameter of any machine within the "cluster". MIDI and peer controls would then work on the single machine, which would echo the parameter to the relevant machine inside the cluster.

Finally, configuration of connections and parameters and parameter assignments can be exported and imported - kinda like the template feature in Buzz, but using the "cluster" system instead.
There was a machine called Btdsys Groupie, however don't know if it still works with the latest Buzz version. I have the sourcecode flying around on my hd
Yes! that was it! Btdsys Groupie - I think I have (and still have) the source from someone from the Buzz IRC channel, back in the day.

Re: Hello

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 8:28 pm
by IXix
Welcome back!

Re: Hello

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 11:37 pm
by Candle
Welcome back MarC :!:

I'd never heard of BTDSys Groupie, but that would be hugely helpful to my workflow. If someone could share a link to the machine or get a new version working for "New Buzz" that would be awesome! I love the idea of a "cluster" of machines whose parameters could be controlled in one spot (peer controlled). Again, that would make my own workflow more efficient.

See You In The Shadows…

Re: Hello

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:51 am
by rav
Awesome idea :)

I can suggest to make some more features in PatternXp mod - source is available.
For example:
Custom step size for scrolling by keyboard arrows, custom step size for input notes, custom step size for deleting notes. I mean more than 0-9 step size - it would be helpful.
Better interpolation algorithms - they have problems to min/max values or just zeros if i remember correctly.

If you are asking i can share also my idea about new machine :lol:
I was thinking about ultimate machine for controlling all machines via MIDI in/out (feedback). Everything in this machine needs to be controlled by MIDI.
Quick sketch:
1. Select machine for control by MIDI (selection is also by MIDI). Filtering machines to choose/scroll: all, selected, fx, intruments, custom list, selection by mouse?, etc (also by MIDI).
2. Choosed machine have for example first 8 params to control, but you can also scroll them one by one or by next 8, etc. (controlled by MIDI as always) Sending param labels to MIDI controller, also possibility to add custom labels to params (mainly for controlling macros from peer controller or something like this).
3. Solo/bypass/mute selected machines
4. Possibility to have more machines like this in session

I dont know is it even possible in buzz, but wanted to share :p
Idea is somehow based on midi layouts in programs like ableton, but i dont know strictly how it is working.

Cheers :D

Re: Hello

Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 6:00 pm
by AndersBrontosaurus
Does this mean you're open to ignorant and ridiculous suggestions?
Anything in this area would be most welcome. If it's not possible to do like in the topic, maybe a separate machine that display timelines for chosen tracks or parameters where you can automate preferred parameters?

A GUI for peerctrl where you can rename the parameters would also be fantastic.