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Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 9:42 am
by HerrFornit
Ok me again.

you probably all know that, but I just found out by chance, that you can solve the GUI problem of the 64 bit VST (s. above) by using the bridge setting, s. picture (mouse over GUI + CONTROL+ALT)
Disadvantage: Closing of the GUI with the cross doest work, you have to close the extra PVST window. Anyway, you can use the pull down menu then!!
bridge small.jpg
bridge small.jpg (82.44 KiB) Viewed 12465 times

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 2:18 am
by River Cricket
Just tried using Polac VST to load Cheapo Amp (in order to control it through Polac MIDI In) and when I set the gain to 0, either through MIDI or by click-dragging the slider, I instead get full gain - same with toggling mute on/off (it'll cut the audio for a split-second, but then return to full volume - and it completely ignores the gain, so, bizarrely, 0.5% gain will be nearly inaudible until mute is turned on, at which point it's full-volume).

It works fine (0 gain = 0 audio) if I route Polac MIDI In > Polac MIDI Bus > PeerCtrl > (native) Cheapo Amp, which is a bit mental, but beautifully so :D

I tried loading DedaCode StereoGain v2 in Polac VST, and it worked fine.

If I had to take a guess at why this is happening, maybe Cheapo Amp is using 1 as its minimum value internally and 0 as a "null"?

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 7:35 pm
by temporalsounds
Does anybody have some experience with VST3 64bit instruments from Waves plugins.I can not load 64bit VST3 shell instrument in Buzz 32bit from one DLL(Windows 7 64bit)
There is no problem with VST3 64bit effects from Waves.I'm using latest Polac VST,VSTi b33.

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:55 pm
by polac
Does anybody have some experience with VST3 64bit instruments from Waves plugins.I can not load 64bit VST3 shell instrument in Buzz 32bit from one DLL(Windows 7 64bit)
There is no problem with VST3 64bit effects from Waves.I'm using latest Polac VST,VSTi b33.

I checked this plugin from Waves in Steinberg VST3 PluginTesthost and it's working good.Standalone plugin is working too.I cannot see in Buzz pluginlist VST3 64bit instruments.
Hard to say what's wrong, sorry. Are there vst2 versions of the waves plugins, do they work(the instrument)?

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 8:59 pm
by HerrFornit
Hi temporalsounds,

I think you are aware of this, but just an idea: VST3 are often installed here in a different path: c:\Programs\Common Files\VST3
checked the search paths of polac's VSTi ?

(I try to avoid VST3 because the VST2 work sometimes more stable)

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 9:16 pm
by temporalsounds
HerrFornit wrote:
I think you are aware of this, but just an idea: VST3 are often installed here in a different path: c:\Programs\Common Files\VST3
checked the search paths of polac's VSTi ?

(I try to avoid VST3 because the VST2 work sometimes more stable)
Thanks for response Polac,HerrFornit

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 9:44 pm
by nathansnider
I think Waves installs its VST shells in their own folder. Mine are in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\WaveShells V10
C:\Program Files (x86)\Waves\WaveShells V11

Yeah, even the 64-bit shells are in the x86 directory for me. So if you have those folders, you should be able to either add them to the VST scan path or just copy the WaveShell dlls to your regular VST directory.

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2019 9:56 pm
by temporalsounds
I tried it and it is working now.I copied/pasted that DLLs to Steinberg regular folder .I didn't find this ''hidden'' dlls before...Thank you sooo much guys!!
Thanks nathansnider :!:

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 10:26 am
by polac
The Vst3shells are only scanning in these folders:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3

These are the default folders for vst3 plugins recommended by Steinberg.

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:25 pm
by mcbpete
Nice to see the site is back in working order again ! I'm definitely missing Buzz after a few years of Ableton (still not used to the Piano Roll way of composing) ...

Polac - Have you identified the issue that might be causing this with some 64bit plugins GUIs using Buzz32:
rohka wrote:The menus in TAL Sampler's GUI are unusable. E.g. clicking on the preset name should bring up a menu but the menu disappears instantly. :(

The menus work in other hosts so the issue would seem specific to Polac loader, but can someone else test to make sure it's not just me? The demo version of TAL Sampler is available at
The per-plugin workaround being mentioned at the top of the page ( viewtopic.php?p=14049#p14049 )

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 10:59 am
by polac
I'll check the tal sampler.

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 11:06 am
by polac
Confirmed, the menus are vanishing instantly. Workaround is to disable the embedded gui in the per-plugin settings(holding ctrl+alt while the cursor is on the gui). I doubt this is fixable but I'll take a look.

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 11:23 am
by mcbpete
Thanks for checking man :) If it's not fixable do you think it would be possible to move (or add) the 'disable the embedded gui' setting to being a global option, so it doesn't need to be done with every plugin ?

nathansnider lists the following that seem to cause a problem or are fine:
Pianoteq Pro, Devious Machines Texture, DiscoDSP Vertigo and Klanghelm MJUC are some other examples where the 32-bit VSTs work fine but the 64-bit versions won't produce any kind of menu popups..... are some VSTs that have non-standard popup menus but still work fine in both 32- and 64-bit: Sugarbytes Aparillo, AAS Chromaphone 2, XLN RC-20 and DiscoDSP Corona (yay!).
No idea what might link them to narrow things down - OpenGL version, resizable GUI ?

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:20 am
by polac
Yes i could add a global option too.

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:23 am
by polac
Iirc tal sampler uses the juce framework for gui stuff.

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:07 am
by xenobioz
Hi, sorry for this long post, but I have a problem with a 64bit VST I made. First I save a song with multiple instances of my VST using buzz and polac loader. But one or several instances of the VST don't get all the preset data saved. Or at least doesn't save all the data as the other instances. When you load the song the preset is almost working so most of the data is there. If I open the bmx file in a text editor I can see the difference. The working instances have a section were the you can see all the preset data as plain text. That's similar to how the vst stores the presets it self(xml / vstpreset format). The non working instances are missing that section and only have the unreadable binary section. On those instances the wrong preset name is loaded and same goes for the waveform. They always load the first preset name and waveform. Rest of the parameters are correct though. The instances with missing data seem random.
If I open the GUI of every instance and save, all data for all instances will be saved correctly.

I tested the VST in buzz, cakewalk and reaper. In Cakewalk and Reaper it seems there is no problem. Maybe someone can see if the wave form data is saved in the bmx file even for the instances which lack the readable sections? Could this be something that can be fixed with the polac loader? Otherwise is it possible to open all GUIs in the machine view at once without double clicking on each one? If the waveform data is saved for all instances though not loaded correctly then I think the vst can be fixed. It would still display wrong preset name though.

Here is the link to try out the vst. It's a 64-bit vst2 made with Synthedit using custom modules.
Download Lynx 64bit

I also have question about the preset factory concerning the same VST. It will probably effect any other new synthedit made VST too. The thing is the new synthedit VSTs don't save all presets in memory like the older vsts. Instead each preset is loaded individually. At least that's how I think it works. You can still use the hosts system to change presets. (Didn't work with all versions though like the current public Lynx release). OLD VSTs usually had a 128 preset bank that could be accessed by the host. Lynx has more than 1000 presets available from the hosts preset system. Anyway the preset factory in polac loader does not work well with this new system. It seems it can't mix two different presets. It also randomly jumps to a previous preset if you drag the slider. Except wave form data is not from the older preset. Remember to import the xml banks first if you test this btw!

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:39 am
by polac
I also have question about the preset factory concerning the same VST. It will probably effect any other new synthedit made VST too. The thing is the new synthedit VSTs don't save all presets in memory like the older vsts. Instead each preset is loaded individually. At least that's how I think it works. You can still use the hosts system to change presets. (Didn't work with all versions though like the current public Lynx release). OLD VSTs usually had a 128 preset bank that could be accessed by the host. Lynx has more than 1000 presets available from the hosts preset system. Anyway the preset factory in polac loader does not work well with this new system. It seems it can't mix two different presets. It also randomly jumps to a previous preset if you drag the slider. Except wave form data is not from the older preset. Remember to import the xml banks first if you test this btw!
As it seems Lynx does not use the preset system from Steinberg(banks/fxb),bank is only one program. Therefore morph/genetics does not work in the preset factory.
Hi, sorry for this long post, but I have a problem with a 64bit VST I made. First I save a song with multiple instances of my VST using buzz and polac loader. But one or several instances of the VST don't get all the preset data saved. Or at least doesn't save all the data as the other instances. When you load the song the preset is almost working so most of the data is there. If I open the bmx file in a text editor I can see the difference. The working instances have a section were the you can see all the preset data as plain text. That's similar to how the vst stores the presets it self(xml / vstpreset format). The non working instances are missing that section and only have the unreadable binary section. On those instances the wrong preset name is loaded and same goes for the waveform. They always load the first preset name and waveform. Rest of the parameters are correct though. The instances with missing data seem random.
If I open the GUI of every instance and save, all data for all instances will be saved correctly.
I can confirm it doesn't save the preset data properly, have to check that.

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:42 am
by polac
As it seems Lynx does not use the preset system from Steinberg(banks/fxb),bank is only one program. Therefore breed/hybridize does not work in the preset factory.
Hmm, after reloading the plugin the bank has expanded, so morph should usually work. :mrgreen:

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:45 am
by polac
Confirmed, the morph/genetics doesn't work, have to check this too as it seems, sigh.

Re: new pvst beta (updated 29-Mar-2019)

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:51 am
by polac
If I open the GUI of every instance and save, all data for all instances will be saved correctly.
Yes then it works, odd.