Best machine for master note control of multiple machines

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Best machine for master note control of multiple machines

Post by onecircles »

I'm getting into the idea of having one machine that controls all my synths for when I want to coordinate them all, and see all their notes on one screen.

As many of you likely know, but in case you don't, you can do this by going into the pattern properties of any machine and turning on the columns for the note values on all the machines you'd like to control within that one pattern.

There is a limitation in that only the machine that is the host of all these patterns will be able to record automations or midi note inputs, but if you also have patterns in the machines that you're controlling from this master pattern, you can record automations and notes to those patterns.

My question for the buzzers: is there any machine that is especially suited to this? I was thinking of putting it all in a "do nothing" since this machine isn't intended to do anything itself except command other machines to make notes. But maybe there's a machine that would have some nice features for this application? I'm using original patternXP. Thanks, folks.
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Re: Best machine for master note control of multiple machine

Post by IXix »

Have you tried using PXP as an actual machine? Could be worth experimenting. It seems to send live MIDI to the machine whose column you have clicked in, even if that machine isn't set to receive MIDI.
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Re: Best machine for master note control of multiple machine

Post by IXix »

There was probably a forum topic detailing this at some point but after some playing around, I think it works like this...

1. Insert PXP as a machine.
2. In the pattern editor, add PXP MIDI columns for each machine you want to control (I'm assuming that the columns need to be visible to record data but I might be wrong) edit: and add enough tracks for polyphony if necessary (eg. Qsamo doesn't need extra tracks but Green Milk does)
3. Lock the MIDI input to the PXP and make sure the other machines have MIDI Channel set to None
4. Some machines (eg. Green Milk) may have a MIDI Channel attribute which you should enable or they won't hear PXP talking to them
5. In the PXP pattern, click anywhere in the columns for the machine you want to play. If it's set up right the machine should sound when you play MIDI.

Live MIDI will only go to the one machine but playback of recorded MIDI will go where it's supposed to. It's pretty cool. I suck at piano so I've never really tried recording live MIDI into Buzz but this seems to be a good way to do it.
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Re: Best machine for master note control of multiple machine

Post by onecircles »

Woah great suggestion, I didn't think of that.

Yes I am going to use this as my master. It is only logical. I can't use it for midi how you describe because I currently have 14 channels of midi that I'm using for live recording (it's awesome) but after a bit of experimentation, this method allowed me to get around the trouble I had getting synths like jacinth to take live midi notes. Thanks!

Hey since I have you here, do you know how subpatterns work? I can't figure it out. You da man. 8-)
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Re: Best machine for master note control of multiple machine

Post by IXix »

AFAIK you just put the number of the pattern you want to play in one of the subpattern trigger columns. The track subpattern triggers let you play patterns overlapping but I think you need to be careful to avoid clashes as I got hanging notes and unexpected output in my experiments.

Don't know anything about the subpattern commands. I seem to remember something about playing them at different speeds but I could have dreamed it or it may just have been a feature request.
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Re: Best machine for master note control of multiple machine

Post by onecircles »

I ended up having a reliable crash, I believe it was when I saved in sequence view I would get a crash. Pattern XP had 6 tracks in 2 qsamo and 8 tracks in 2 m4wii, all carrying only midi note, delay and velocity. Maybe I can dig up the bmx if anyone is interested.

I ended up using an MTNADA. Hands down BEST do nothing. I don't care who's feelings I hurt. MT NADA has the best tone of any DO-NOTHING. Case closed. MT-NADA at 196khz is primo.
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