ReBuzz by WDE anybody knows anything?

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Re: ReBuzz by WDE anybody knows anything?

Post by oskari »

It definitely looks like a locking problem, not denormals. MACHINE_LOCK should be a no-op when used in an audio thread since the host should already be holding that lock.
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Re: ReBuzz by WDE anybody knows anything?

Post by Buzztler »

@Oskari: (Sorry, just me), I just want to ask if there is any chance that you develop the "New Buzz 2022" to a further level, or can you please put the old "Jeskola In" into the official New Buzz built 2022, edit: or even better into the last 1503 32 and 64 bit with the same input gain as in the old Buzz? This would be awesome (imo) ...
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Re: ReBuzz by WDE anybody knows anything?

Post by Buzztler »

O.k., another incredible post by me ...
Thank you Rebuzz-Team. Tested Version 1746 of Rebuzz (version of 25th March uploaded 26th March 2024) this evening and found a lot of issues are fixed, or much better. For example Jeskola Note Matrix shows GUI and works.
Furthermore a lot of improvements with ASIO, (still a little latency problem as it seems), but no klicks so far with 1024 and up. And if ReBuzz Audio In works (still had to "fumble" with WASAPI- and ASIO-Settings, to be able to choose sound card Audio In), if it works, the sound is very good and clear to my ears with almost no hissing etc. .. and a lot of punch and pressure.
SO FAR WELL DONE ... :dance:
But how could an old grumbler like me not find some strange things ...
1. I tried to save an example bmx-file with three "machines": ReBuzz AudioIn, AmpVST and Master. When I want to reopen the BMX, I get the following error message: "There is an error in XML document (3,31)." I could not reopen the bmx-file ...
Edit (29th March 2024): fixed for me with new ReBuzz-preview 1747, 28th March) save and load work :dance:
2. Still I cannot load older Buzz files 'cause Pattern XP throws the following errormessage: "Incompatible build (Host 1500, Pattern XP 1503). So what happens here? Edit 29th March 2024, this errormessage disappeared, but I get a new one saying " Load new Pattern Editor Data ... " this message box stays on top, even if the track seems to load, I also get an errormessage, "Objectreference not set to an instance of an object", I tried with mag's "firefly" and "phonk" tracks. Could be related to qsamo? The Patterns of other instruments seem to load, but no sound output. Other older bmx files load, without an errormessage now, but I also have no sound output
Any serious feedback would be appreciated ... But future preview builds and fixes are also very very fine, btw. how does WASAPI almost work for live input in this build (1747), it seems, as if latency is very low, even with higher bufferrates (2048)So good night, sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite ...
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Re: ReBuzz by WDE anybody knows anything?

Post by lolokimono »

The latency on the newer build seems better. Thanks to the developers for theer ongoing work! I could load simpler songs but when trying to load my more buffed one, I got this:

Modern Pattern Editor.NET
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at WDE.ModernPatternEditor.ParameterColumn..ctor(ParameterColumnSet set, IPatternColumn pc, Int32 track, Int32 rpb)
at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToArray()
at WDE.ModernPatternEditor.PatternVM.CreateColumnSet(MPEParameterSet pSet)
at WDE.ModernPatternEditor.PatternVM.CreateColumnSets()
at ReBuzz.Core.MachineCore.RaiseTrackCount()
at ReBuzz.Core.SongCore.InvokeConnectionRemoved(MachineConnectionCore mc)
at ReBuzz.Core.Actions.GraphActions.DisconnectMachinesAction.DoAction()
at BuzzGUI.Common.Actions.BuzzAction.Do()
at ReBuzz.Core.ReBuzzCore.NewSong()
at ReBuzz.Core.ReBuzzCore.OpenSongFile(String filename)
at ReBuzz.Core.ReBuzzCore.ExecuteCommand(BuzzCommand cmd)
at BuzzGUI.ToolBar.ToolBarVM.<.ctor>b__168_3(Object x)
at BuzzGUI.Common.SimpleCommand.Execute(Object parameter)
at System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem.InvokeClickAfterRender(Object arg)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

This used to work with the earlier build.
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Re: ReBuzz by WDE anybody knows anything?

Post by polac »

I tested some demo stuff I created in the former build, triggering some Polac VSTi via midi send and I had to activate "All" instead of the default "active editor" to get sound with the editor closed, but everything loaded fine. (I totally forgot that I once did it in the old new buzz ...) interesting, but not "buggy"
It's fixed with next loader version. It's because of ReBuzz is doing sandboxing on all machines, it breaks my mechanism to communicate with other pvst machines.
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Re: ReBuzz by WDE anybody knows anything?

Post by Grids »

I am very, very excited by this.
I have been using the 64 bit port of Buzz. It feels like it works about 70% of the time. VST3 plugins don't show up. When I mix 32 bit and 64 bit I sometimes get weird noises. Sometimes, plugins revert back to their default sounds when loading a track. It is becoming quite frustrating at times.

At the same time, I find Buzz to be faster and better than any other host for making glitchy electronica. Crafting sounds with modular wiring is wonderful. Simple retriggers, reverses and offset commands for beats in Unwieldy tracker 2 is about ten times faster and more intuitive than doing this in a traditional DAW. Also, Renoise just doesn't have the same workflow and doesn't feel as organic or as good for sound design IMO.

I am excited about a new 64 bit port of Buzz that is fresh.
My thoughts on the future of Buzz:
  • 64 bit and ability to cleanly host VST3 plugins should be the focus.
    Most Jeskola internal synths/machines are over 20 years old. The ability to craft tracker beats and then use an army of new VST/i synths/effects works well IMO.
    A 64 bit internal tracker is needed.
    Stability needs to be improved.
I tried using ReBuzz. It looks nice. Unwieldy tracker wouldn't load for some reason. More complex tracks wouldn't load as well. But I am really excited where this goes.

Also, massive shoutout to Polac. If Polac stopped work on the VST/i loader, Buzz would be basically dead by now IMO.
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Re: ReBuzz by WDE anybody knows anything?

Post by polac »

VST3 plugins don't show up
Hmm, here they show up,at least in pvst's own vst menu.
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Re: ReBuzz by WDE anybody knows anything?

Post by Buzztler »

Wow, a new version of ReBuzz today ... and even If it was late when I discovered it, I checked out the ReBuzz AudioIn with some Live-Setup and for me it worked very, very well with the WASAPI Driver, very low latency and a very clean and powerful sound, even if the "shitty' Wah in Freeamp 3.6 still sounds like crap ... I like the Audio In so far ... and now again: "Goodnight sleep tight and don't let the Bedbugs bitte" ...
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