What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

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Astral Buddy
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What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by Astral Buddy »

I can't get the new buzz to recognize the effect. I've tried just copying the .prs-file into the effects folder, but it doesn't work. I can't find a .dll for it in my old install on my old computer, only a .prs, but here it works fine. Is it just dead?
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by vacuum »

I think Jeskola Freeverb is part of the old buzz.exe (buzz 1.2)
The new buzz.exe (2008 and on) does not have this machine coded inside it,
because the new buzz is in fact based on an older code than buzz 1.2.
Jeskola Mixer doesn't work for the same reason.
That's why you don't find a .dll to place in your folder.

Replace it with an other reverb ..
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by strobotone »

someone could ask oskari for the freeverb sourcecode and rebuild it as dll.
since the machineinterface is opensource this should be doable.
but sure, the easier way is to just replace it with another reverb.
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by mcbpete »

Was it not part of the whole source code loss shenanigans back in the day? Though if the source to these old machines do exist, any chance of Raverb as well ;)
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by oskari »

I don't have the code obviously. Raverb is a dll and it's included in the installer.
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by mcbpete »

Yeah I have no idea why I even asked that as it's my most used effect and definitely knew it was a separate .dll :?

I think what I meant to have asked was whether the source for raverb still exists - Not necessarily for public access, but whether you personally still had it for tweaking or whether it got taken with the hd crash. Only reason being is that occasionally and seemingly at random goes into like a feedback loop and the sound gets a strange flange effect or just builds up in volume before 'popping' back down again. Find below an example mp3 along with the bmx (it's just a qsamo attached to a raverb), the feedback build-up in the mp3 recording starts around 20 seconds before peaking and popping about 15 seconds later then slowly returns back to the normal volume-


(the bmx is - http://www.ilovecubus.co.uk/pete/raverb_test.bmx )

The reason I don't really use another reverb despite this flaw is just that I love the warm sound it brings to everything connected to it. But it'd be interesting to know what causes this (and whether or not it's possible to remove)
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by hightype »

I second this - one of the basic reasons I keep using old Buzz is the Freeverb.
Sure, there are other reverbs around, some with much more options (diffusion, stereo expansion, room size, gate and the like) but the 'Freeverb sound' can only be approximated with them.

I have tried more reverbs and the closest I could get was with LarsHa's Funkyverb, with RoomSize set to cca. 38-50 and Diffusion set to 100. The other options (damping & filters) are nearly the same as in Freeverb. This has kind of similar feel but on a closer listen the lows are still weaker than in Freeverb.

To use the *exact* Freeverb, one possible option is to download the extracted Jeskola Freeverb.dll mentioned in the other 'Freeverb missing' topic, and use that but I found two issues with it:
- if I use more than one Freeverb in a song in NewBuzz, it generates a huge feedback noise, causes massive CPU overload and finally crashes the whole program
- the dll itself has a bug that the filters actually filter the whole output rather than just the ReverbOut (this is more like an annoyance though)

One possible workaround is to use Polac's (brilliant) VST effect loader and load the Jeskola Freeverb.dll into that and voilá!... :) I didn't test this method on a long run but it might be more stable that way (though with twice as much CPU usage).

I have looked into this and it seems that the Freeverb is an implementation an open source reverb originally by Jezar - many VST and DX plugins use it.
With a fast processor the similar result can be achieved with Freeverb3 VST (I have tested freeverb3_vst-fast-SSE-singleprecision-win-2.6.6.zip resulting the *exact* Freeverb sound but as this is a VST it will use about 2,5-3x as much CPU in Buzz as the Jeskola Freeverb.
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by hightype »

Hmm... while we are at this - (I wish I was able to program plugins myself...) - I wonder if someone with free time could fix the extracted Jeskola Freeverb machine so it won't generate feedback noise in NewBuzz?

Then all the problems would be easily solved and old songs that use Jeskola Freeverb could be easily loaded into NewBuzz.
(And, optionally, fix the filter problem so that only the ReverbOut gets filtered instead of the whole output)

(One other suggestion would be an additional StereoWidth parameter that could make the ReverbOut either mono at 0%, or even expand to 200% (or wider) ... )
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by AndersBrontosaurus »

My problem is that Buzz crashes when I try to open old songs containing Freeverb. Is there a workaround for this? I assume the songs are crap but it would be nice to hear them for nostalgic reasons anyway.
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by magmavander »

Maybe you can use the Namdan's Buzz little helper ?
This way you can replace freeverb by another reverb (or any fx) ?

http://www.buzzmachines.com/utils/blh_b ... _v0_92.zip
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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by AndersBrontosaurus »

Ah. I'll look into it.
Thanks for the quick reply!

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Re: What happened to Jeskola Freeverb?

Post by AndersBrontosaurus »

Thank's a million!
It worked!
Had to remove cheapo amp also but then everything worked. It clicked a lot. Hopefully this is because I'm running windows in virtualbox and can be fixed with proper install in the future.
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