Buzz at 20

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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Very cool, glad it was fun.
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by nrXic »

Thanks for extending the deadline! I did find tracks on a backup, some of which are playable and many that I'll have to find some missing machines for. I'm going to choose what I can that I think best exemplifies BUZZ in terms of its strengths and abilities.

Thanks also for hosting all of these files, I'm going to be listening to all of these in the next week while working. I love the variety that I'm hearing!
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Hi nrXic, glad i extended it too, a very nice person found some of my very old stuff I thought lost forever! The tracks are not sorted yet, they will move to a permanent home soon.
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Added tracks from Antonio Mazzitelli.
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Added 3 more glorious snippets by okapi.
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Added ~30 minutes of snippets and tunes from noggin.
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Added some more of my old stuff, haven't heard some of them in 10+ years.
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by kibibu »

I fired up Buzz for something seriously for the first time in a couple of years today, and, well, it was like putting on an old shoe that was already worn in.

Thanks a lot to Oskari (of course) and elekt for making me fire it up again. <3 <3
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

:oops: :D
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by iddy »

Exciting to see a collection like this happening!

In case you're still looking at growing the list, I've uploaded a couple of old tracks and a selection of unfinished clips of stuff I made between 2001 and 2007.. there could be some older stuff lying around somewhere, but it seems not on this PC!

The files are at:
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by nrXic »

Talk about leaving things until the last minute!

I'll only contribute one demo here and to me it speaks to how rapidly I'm able to create stuff in BUZZ, the greatness of the built in machines like Bass 3, and how without any mastering or fancy mixing BUZZ sounds great out of the box. It's a short clip

nrXic - Jeskola Bass 3 machine test (2003) ... apQjbmGHyT

A bassdrum, a clap, and an amen break sample, and ONE Jeskola Bass 3 machine that sounded fantastically realistic (but then I get crazy with it)
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by magmavander »


is it possible to send more songs or is it too late ?

Thanks :dance:

Oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 to all Buzzers around the world :dance: :dance: :dance:
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by magmavander »

Ok, here are some more songs : ... cjiTqAfoqb

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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Hi nrXic, magmavander :)

Got the files a few days ago, but I had a little forums snafu and couldn't reply.

Updates soon.
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by magmavander »

A big Thank You!! ;)
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

First, the good stuff: got some more tracks in the past few days, from Fred Bevins, Belve Marnik, Vegan, and SKiTZ0. There are more coming, I will add and update here.

Now for some more good stuff: everything is here for your listening and downloading pleasure:
The playlist shuffles on load (but you can sort it). You can play or download individual tracks, but there is also a zip file of everything, about 1Gb: (Antonio Mazzitelli and SKiTZ0 tracks are not included yet, but they will be in the next few days )

Thanks to everyone who's sent stuff, even the ones that made me pick their 30 minutes from so much good music (I went for the tracks I thought I could hear Buzz the clearest in).

And some crazy-awesome-good stuff: got a very special track, Aphioks Triplet, by elpuri (thanks to Oskari for sending it). While not the first buzz song ever made, it's the oldest recording of one. And while Oskari's first ever buzz song won't play anymore, it will load in your browser and it's beautiful

Happy Twentieth!
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by magmavander »

Hello Elekt,

first of all, thanks a lot for this excellent idea.
this push me to try to open tons of old bmx, I thought I lost a lot of them but finaly, little by little, I've been able to recover a lot of these bmx :dance: :dance: :dance:
So I have a lot of "new old" unfinished stuff. Tell me if you agree for new mp3 :lol:

Anyway, once again, thank you very much!!

And a particular thank to Oskari without whom our community would not exists... :(

PS : When was released Aphioks triplet ? Very funny song.

PS2 : I noticed that the first songs I send you are not in the playlist. they are here : ... cyBbcbfiod
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Hi magmavander, could you email me? buzztwenty_at_gmail.
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Updated the playlist. Thanks, magmavander. I think ID3 says Aphioks Triplet was 98, but Oskari knows for sure. Glad it was fun for you :)
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Re: Buzz at 20

Post by elekt »

Added early buzz tracks from Fhisch.
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