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Automaton Compressor mkII

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 5:52 pm
by mridlen
I am hoping that enough people use this machine that can perhaps elaborate on the operation of it.

I have a few questions.

1) Channels. If I have 3 generators and I put them each on their own track with a compressor on it, and set them all to the same channel, they are compressed in relation with each other, right?
2) Level mode. Do I need to have an output from the compressor or is just an input sufficient? I see that the activity light turns off when I don't have an output. Also the activity light turns off when I turn the volume all the way down on the output. Does the activity light even matter?
3) If I ran each track through something like this:

[Gen] -> (effects) -> [comp (used for side chain)] -> [comp (all on same channel)] -> [sgorpi multitrack writer] -> [Master]

Could I effectively get a compressed multitrack output that would come out to 0db with no volume spikes? Basically a mixed and mastered song except in multiple tracks.
4) Audio mode. Does this compress the volumes only based on what comes through the level mode compressor for that channel? The readme says "you must connect the level mode machine to all the audio mode machines that use the same channel" So does that mean I need to connect the level mode compressor to the audio mode compressor? [comp level machines] -> [comp audio]

I'm trying to take my music to the next level, and (lack of) good compression techniques are really holding me back right now. Thanks in advance.