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How to change theme's colors ?

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 3:18 pm
by magmavander
If I change the colors in xxx.col files for sequencer and pattern view background (I use Max YABuzzTools, I know, it's old and may concern only the old Buzz) and choose it in Buzz, nothing happens, I have still the old "default" colors.
I would like to change these colors to have a background more in harmony with the iLKke extended theme I use.
If its done by xaml how do I proceed (I have Kaxaml soft) ?

Re: How to change theme's colors ?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 7:20 pm
by Klangkulisse
Hi Mag,

could it be that you miss the right "assignments" in your col.file?

This is the original iLKke extenden col.file text:

# machine skin by iLKke
# ---------------------
# you can use it with any color theme

# Machines
MV Amp BG 222222
MV Amp Handle 777777
MV Background 242D29
MV Effect 3E4B3F
MV Effect LED Off 999999
MV Effect LED On 00FF00
MV Effect LED Border 000000
MV Effect Mute 000000
MV Effect Pan BG 222222
MV Generator 484540
MV Generator LED Off 999999
MV Generator LED On 00FF00
MV Generator LED Border 000000
MV Generator Mute 000000
MV Generator Pan BG 222222
MV Machine Text E8EBE7
MV Master 3E4B47
MV Master LED Off 999999
MV Master LED On 00FF00
MV Master LED Border 000000
MV Pan Handle 777777
MV Line 000000
MV Machine Border FDFDFD

# <End of File>

MV is the "assignment" for Machine View, you need to add the "assignments" for Pattern Editor (PE) and Sequence Editor (SE)

Here is an example how it could be made:

# machine skin by iLKke
# ---------------------
# you can use it with any color theme

# Machines
MV Amp BG 222222
MV Amp Handle 777777
MV Background 242D29
MV Effect 3E4B3F
MV Effect LED Off 999999
MV Effect LED On 00FF00
MV Effect LED Border 000000
MV Effect Mute 000000
MV Effect Pan BG 222222
MV Generator 484540
MV Generator LED Off 999999
MV Generator LED On 00FF00
MV Generator LED Border 000000
MV Generator Mute 000000
MV Generator Pan BG 222222
MV Machine Text E8EBE7
MV Master 3E4B47
MV Master LED Off 999999
MV Master LED On 00FF00
MV Master LED Border 000000
MV Pan Handle 777777
MV Line 000000
MV Machine Border FDFDFD

# Pattern Editor
PE BG 333333
PE BG Dark 444444
PE BG Very Dark 222222
PE Sel BG 000000

# Sequence Editor
SE BG 333333
SE BG Dark 61809E
SE BG Very Dark 56718B
SE Break Box 333333
SE Mute Box ff2233
SE Pattern Box aaaaaa
SE Sel BG ffcb81
SE Song Position ffffff
SE Text 000000

# <End of File>

You can even change the colour of the build in Signal Analysis which is can be controlled with the "assignment" SA:

# Signal Analysis
SA Amp BG 111111
SA Amp Line FFB300
SA Freq BG 111111
SA Freq Line E48C07

Re: How to change theme's colors ?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:09 pm
by magmavander
:dance: Worked. :dance:

I have copy/paste the missing parts in the col file and voila!
WHats cool is that I know how to choose my own colors now.


Re: How to change theme's colors ?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:16 pm
by JMC
I used CyanWerks CyanBuzzTheme 1.5 (cytheme.exe) and I get the same problems, the themes do not even appear in buzz.

Now I also understand why ;(

Is there a similar Theme-Tool for the new buzz-theme-format?
It would be sooo great :D


I correct my self, CyanBuzzTheme 1.5 (cytheme.exe), is working well, I placed my *.col into a subfolder, but this works only with the new xaml kind of theme files, the old *.col files do only work in the theme folder directly and do not work if they are placed in any sub folder.
If the theme.col file gets into the theme folder, CyanBuzzTheme 1.5 (cytheme.exe), works very well.
You can select every item and give it a color, then you can save the *.col file as cyan buzz theme format into the theme folder of buzz, then you need to restart buzz and choose your own new and very special theme.

It's absolutely great and rocks :D