IX Magic 1.19 - October 13th, 2024

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IX Magic 1.19 - October 13th, 2024

Post by IXix »

Rejoice, gasp in amazement, have a stiff drink and smoke a big fat one because, after far longer than I care to think about, I have actually decided that this machine can be released into the wild. I can't quite believe it. I think I might pass out.

"What is it?!" I hear you cry. Good question! I think it's a peer/MIDI event sequencer. I do know it's going to melt tinga's mind.

I've included the traditional crappy demo song in the package but that only scratches the surface. I'd need to make a dozen to fully demonstrate it.

There are rough edges and kinks to iron out of course but it seems pretty stable (cue avalanche of crash reports). I REALLY recommend you read some, if not all of the manual. No, really, I mean it and not just because it took me months to get it together. Just read the damn thing. Seriously.

If you make any music with it then please let me know. After all that effort coding the thing, I'd like to know that it's actually being used.


2024.10.13 IX Magic 1.19 at buzz.robotplanet.dk
+ Fixed Sequence not firing after pasting a Step into an empty Sequence.
+ Fixed naming of duplicate resources.
+ Improved naming of new resources.
+ "Reset on stop" is now a Page setting with a checkbox in the main dialog.
+ Removed machine attribute "Reset on stop".
+ "Page load events" are now "Page activation events"
+ Added Page events for transport actions. Trigger Sequences when playback starts/stops etc.
+ Added new Event type, Transport Event, used to trigger Buzz Play/Seek/Stop/Record.
+ Added song position markers for use with Transport Events.
+ Dialog improvements.
+ Machine version 1.19
+ File version 17

2024.06.10 IX Magic 1.18 at buzz.robotplanet.dk
+ Fixed crash when parsing peer pingpong value without target machine.
+ Added Event trigger mode to specify latch/accumulator behaviour.
+ Peer parameter assignments are now remapped if possible when changing target machine.
+ Object list now indicates current Step in Sequence.
+ Added latch modes to note-off default menus.
+ Removed various attributes for global options. These values are now stored in the settings file.
+ Removed option to disable keyboard input filtering.
+ Labelling tweaks
+ Machine v1.18, File v16

2024.06.10 IX Magic 1.17b at buzz.robotplanet.dk
+ Fixed accumulator + latch bugs
+ Fixed invalid velocity blocking latch off.
+ Message dialog fixes and tweaks
+ Improved queue behaviour when an Event is blocked by accumulator/probability.

2024.05.26 IX Magic 1.17a at buzz.robotplanet.dk
+ Fixed latch behaviour for Events triggered via a Trigger Sequence Event
+ Fixed Magic not loading in ReBuzz
+ Fixed broken links in Page docs.

2024.05.20 IX Magic 1.17 at buzz.robotplanet.dk
+ Peer/MIDI values now allow comma separated value lists, with forward/backward/ping-pong/random option.
+ Added new Event off modes Latch and Latch Relative.
+ Added next/prev Page buttons.
+ Implemented reordering of Pages via move up/down.
+ Added Page tempo setting.
+ Tap tempo via dialog, midi note or CC.
+ Resources are now saved to a separate user settings file which overrides the defaults.
+ Fixed potential crash when using P to restore a value if there's nothing to restore.
+ Updated UI framework. Should (?) work better with display scaling.
+ Treeview now auto-scrolls during mouse drag operations
+ Pasting now preserves object order.
+ Minor dialog fixes and improvements.

2023.10.30 IX Magic 1.16d at buzz.robotplanet.dk
+ Fixed bug when changing Event accumulator offset
+ Fixed peer value edit not allowing entry of decimal point for percentage values
+ Added MIDI CC to set active Page
+ Improved behaviour when removing only Page
+ Suppressed various alerts (less important stuff is logged without launching a messagebox)
+ When deleting a peer target machine, alert message no longer interupts audio

2022.03.07 IX Magic 1.16c x86, IX Magic 1.16c x64
+ Fixed potential crash caused by Reset events

2022.02.06 IX Magic 1.16b x86, IX Magic 1.16b x64
+ Fixed source event dropdown in Step dialog not updating properly if a single Step was selected.
+ Fixed Peer Event values discarding octave numbers (broken by 1.16a).

2022.01.26 IX Magic 1.16a x86,
IX Magic 1.16a x64
+ Fixed x64 memory corruption issues.
+ Fixed saving song data when an instance of Magic has been deleted.
+ Fixed handling of sharps and flats in Peer Event values.
+ Fixed broken note-offs in Peer Event values.
+ Improved behaviour when Event accumulator text is changed during playback (try to avoid resetting counters where possible.)
+ Machine version 1.16a, file version 14

2021.05.04 IX Magic 1.16 x86, IX Magic 1.16 x86
+ Improved value parser - better input validation, bad values highlighted in red.
+ Allow complex values for delay times (see documentation)
+ Improved/extended peer/MIDI value syntax
+- new ping-pong/wrap modes
+- additional range specifiers for velocity/random modes
+- new %% value specifier
+ Assorted minor bugfixes that I can't quite remember
+ Machine version 1.16, file version 14

2021.01.21 IX Magic 1.15d x86, IX Magic 1.15d x64
+ Fixed crash when creating machine and not loading from file
+ Minor dialog fixes
+ Machine version 1.15d, file version 12

2021.01.16 IX Magic 1.15c x86, IX Magic 1.15c x64
+ Fixed crash when multiple instances attempt to retrieve list of active machines.
+ Improved peer thread safety
+ Machine version 1.15c, file version 12

2021.01.10 IX Magic 1.15b x86, IX Magic 1.15b x64
+ Fixed dialog refresh blocking audio
+ Machine version 1.15b, file version 12

2021.01.04 IX Magic 1.15a x86, IX Magic 1.15a x64
+ Fixed 'o' in chord name being seen as note-off
+ Fixed octave number display for note values in Peer value fields
+ Machine version 1.15a, file version 12

2021.01.02 IX Magic 1.15 x86, IX Magic 1.15 x64
+ Added Test/Reset/Enable controls for Page load events.
+ Fixed note-cut for Page load events.
+ Allow fractional values for Page load event delay/cut.
+ Improved status bar text for Sequences and Steps.
+ Display Event accumulator state in control label.
+ Event accumulator threshold is now included in calculation when Event is used as source for Step repeats.
+ Added random seed options to various context menus.
+ Added 'true random' mode for all randomisable things.
+ Various bugfixes
+ Updated documentation.
+ Added a Page load event to the demo bmx (randomises the BPM :D)
+ Machine version 1.15, file version 12

2020.07.31 IX Magic 1.14 x86, IX Magic 1.14 x64
+ Added x64 version
+ Prevent (hopefully) possible multithreading file corruption
+ Added new note-cut modes for Peer/MIDI Note Events (see documentation)
+ Added version info to Help menu
+ Updated docs
+ Machine version 1.14, file version 11

2020.05.31 IX Magic 1.12e x86
+ Fixed broken Event force note-off modes

2020.05.17 IX Magic 1.12d - x86
+ Dialog resizing improvements

2020.05.02 IX Magic 1.12c - x86
+ MIDI and Machine States dialogs are now resizable

2020.04.18 - IX Magic 1.12b - x86
+ Fixed more keyboard bugs.

2020.04.16 - IX Magic 1.12a - x86
+ Fixed broken keyboard filtering. Really need to scrap all that code. :roll:

2020.04.12 - IX Magic 1.12 -x86
+ Fixed incorrect handling of multiple Sequences triggered by the same note (hopefully doesn't break anything)
+ Using apostrophe on its own in a value field is now recognised as shorthand for 'Pass (was before but resulted in an empty field)
+ Note mode token is no longer restricted to note parameters. For non-note params the triggering note value is mapped to a percentage of the target param range.
+ Note mode token can now be used in MIDI values (but not for notes yet :roll:)
+ When using note mode with 'Pass, you can now specify a range of notes eg. 'Pass(C3-B7). Notes outside the range will be ignored. Notes within the range will map to the target param range.
+ Fixed a few crashes which I can't understand why they haven't been an issue before. :?:
+ Updated documentation to (hopefully) describe this stuff accurately.
+ Machine version 1.12, file version 11

2020.04.05 - IX Magic 1.11c - x86
+ Main dialog is now resizable (sucks a bit but works)

2020.03.23 - IX Magic 1.11b - x86
+ Fixed stupid Event load bug introduced in 1.11a (IX is an idiot :roll: )

2020.03.22 - IX Magic 1.11a - x86
+ Event reset now does soft clear of work queue (fix for tinga's Page load loop bug)
+ Resource dialog is now resizable (workaround for broken dpi thing)
+ Machine version 1.11a (still file version 11)

2020.01.23 - IX Magic 1.11 - x86
+ Fixed note off being triggered by full velocity when using velocity to control note params.
+ Corrected documentation of chord definition in Note Sequence Reference
+ Fixed value range parsing broken by 1.10 (see http://forums.jeskola.net/viewtopic.php ... 221#p14221)
+ Machine version 1.11 (still file version 11)

2020.01.13 - IX Magic 1.10f - x86
+ Fixed crash when clearing current Page.
+ Fixed crash when double-clicking empty space in controller maps list.
+ Implemented support for mousewheel and arrow keys in text fields.

2020.01.08 - IX Magic 1.10e - x86
+ Fixed crash due to potential incorrect initialisation after load.

2020.01.04 - IX Magic 1.10d - x86
+ Fixed control Events not loading base Event properties from template.

2019.12.28 - IX Magic 1.10c - x86
+ Fixed Enable Sequence Event forgetting the enable mode setting
+ Better naming of pasted/duplicated objects

2019.12.13 - IX Magic 1.10b - x86
+ Fixed Trigger Sequence Events retriggering Sequences on inactive Pages.

2019.12.10 - IX Magic 1.10a - x86
+ Fixed Page loss when loading multiple instances
+ Out of range notes in arpeggios are now replaced with rests.
+ Fixed Page Load events not firing on song load
+ Fixed Trigger Sequence Events over-advancing target Sequence on triggering

2019.08.08 - IX Magic 1.10- x86
+ Machine version 1.10 (File version 11)
+ Step repeats can now be linked to a child Event
+ Added Step repeat multiplier
+ Added repeat token 'x' for note sequence steps eg. "Cx4" instead of "C,C,C,C"
+ Due to changes in file structure, songs saved with Magic 1.10 won't work with previous versions but there's no need to use previous versions so don't worry about it.

2019.05.26 - ]IX Magic 1.09f- x86
+ Fixed triggering of Sequences on inactive Pages after song load

2019.04.06 - IX Magic 1.09e- x86
+ Fixed crash when loading from Buzz template
+ Fixed crash when copy/pasting Pages
+ Fixed incomplete undo points when pasting various objects
+ Window handling code updates (caused lots of issues but hopefully I got all the bugs!)

2019.02.15 - IX Magic 1.09d- x86
+ Machine version 1.09d (still file version 10, yay!)
+ Moved note-off mode into common Event controls
+ MIDI Ctrl/Note Events and Trigger Sequence Events now allow selection of note-off mode.
+ Added options/attributes for default MIDI/Control Event note-off modes
+ Dialog reshuffle
+ Improved random track behaviour (random tracks are now picked when needed)
+ Added random track in range (eg. R:2-6)
+ Improved random seeds for more randomness
+ Fixed a couple of bugs where a random choice would never hit the top of its range
+ Improved auto-assign of Peer Note Event note/velocity params
+ Fixed Peer Note Event handling of global note parameters (ACloud)
+ Added controls for Peer/MIDI Note Event cut mode
+ Improved/fixed handling of track parameter 'Cut' (no longer ends Events that ignore note-off)
+ Messages dialog now shows 100% fewer developer-ish messages
+ Improved Event dialog refresh on velocity layer changes
+ Updated docs

+ Machine version 1.09c (file version 10)
+ Fixed silent triggering of Sequences on inactive Pages after load

+ Machine version 1.09b (file version 10)
+ Fixed status bar over-refresh causing flickering and potential freeze

+ Machine version 1.09a (file version 10)
+ Fixed Pages > 256 bug
+ Added Page combo vertical scrollbar

+ v1.09 Initial release (x86 only as yet, I hope it actually works on other peoples computers)
Last edited by IXix on Sun Oct 13, 2024 3:27 pm, edited 58 times in total.
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Re: IX Magic

Post by thOke »

You've finally done it! :dance:
First downloader. Mesmerizing machine. Looks like stepping into wonderland. :shock:
Thank you!!

Edit: two first attempts just scratching the surface
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Last edited by thOke on Tue Jan 08, 2019 11:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: IX Magic

Post by onecircles »

Ok, I did a first look-through of the manual.
Just trying to think of what creative possibilities you have engendered here.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Could I use steps and sequences to put a synth into an endless loop of stochastic random timbre changes through the parameters? Cuz that would be tite.

Way to go man, great job. Warms my heart to see all this hard work. Amazing.
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Re: IX Magic

Post by IXix »

thOke wrote:You've finally done it! :dance:
First downloader. Mesmerizing machine. Looks like stepping into wonderland. :shock:
Thank you!!

Edit: two first attempts just scratching the surface
Haha, good work! Love the two first attempts. Seems like you're having some fun! :D
onecircles wrote: Could I use steps and sequences to put a synth into an endless loop of stochastic random timbre changes through the parameters? Cuz that would be tite.

Way to go man, great job. Warms my heart to see all this hard work. Amazing.
Oh yeah, endless stochastic random timbre changes are super easy! Too easy! :lol:

I'm so glad it works for you both! I was worried that after all the buildup it might refuse to play. :lol:

Where's tinga? He's missing the fun!
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Re: IX Magic

Post by Buzztler »

+ v1.09 Initial release (x86 only as yet, I hope it actually works on other peoples computers)
I have tested in a 32 bit Buzz Installation build 1503 (latest) under Win XP SP3 32 bit, and Win 7 no Servicepack 32 & 64 bit Installation of the System and Buzz 32 bit as before.

The Demo and the two tracks by thOke run fine. I do not get any errormessage.

What a beautiful and creative machine, I'll need some time to discover how it works, but I just wanna thank IX for spending his time and mind on creating and programming this machine. Something that really can make Buzz more and more interesting for soundcreators ....

Thank you IX so far ... :dance:
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Re: IX Magic

Post by tinga »

IX wrote:Where's tinga? He's missing the fun!
I'm here, I go on this forum every day, but not yesterday, :lol:
Impressive, I understand your "uuurgghhh", a new software inside Buzz, great, seems to be a great tool for midi controllers, I haven't tested the beast except yours and thOke's demos. I am reading the help, very good job, reading the help is very exciting, so many things, again a new approach of sequencing, love it!
Thanks for this amazing machine. :dance:
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Re: IX Magic

Post by HerrFornit »

tested Win10 x64 1803
Buzz 1503 x86

Demo and thOke's songs
No Errors

thanks for sharing!!!
waiting for a video ;)
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Re: IX Magic

Post by thOke »

icon_hail.gif (265 Bytes) Viewed 29013 times
Simple usage with complex results .... and still at the surface yet!
Pearl Magic.zip
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Re: IX Magic

Post by Klangkulisse »

Very excited reading al those declerations of love for your new baby.
Will definetly check it out tonight.
Thanks for your stamina.
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Re: IX Magic

Post by IXix »

thOke wrote:I LOVE IT!
Simple usage with complex results .... and still at the surface yet!
Pearl Magic.zip
Ha, that's the response I'm looking for! :lol: Loving the experiments so far. Pearl Magic has been playing for about twenty minutes as I composed this message and I'm not finding it boring. I wonder what you'll do when you dig below the surface?

Thanks to those who have tested on different platforms, much appreciated. Good to know it seems to work without any stupid dependency problems.

The possibilities this machine offers are pretty overwhelming. I'd come up with an idea, test it a bit and then have another cool idea and then test it a bit and then another idea and test it etc. for an embarrassingly long time. I still have a pretty long wish list of additional features too but I decided it was time to just stop and release the damn thing because it will probably never be actually "finished". Even the process of writing the manual led to improvements and new features which is why it took so damn long! :lol:

Thanks everyone for all the kind words and enthusiasm! I'm looking forward to seeing what you all do with it. :dance:
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Re: IX Magic

Post by magmavander »

Thanks a lot IXix!! This new machine seems awesome.
All the examples files here worked fine and are amazing.
You have done a lot of work but yes, it's Magic :dance: :dance: :dance:
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Re: IX Magic

Post by IXix »

magmavander wrote:Thanks a lot IXix!! This new machine seems awesome.
All the examples files here worked fine and are amazing.
You have done a lot of work but yes, it's Magic :dance: :dance: :dance:

@thOke I was worried for a few minutes because Buzz crashed every time I tried to load another Magic song after Pearl Magic.bmx but it seems to be coming from the Pearl Drum, not Magic. Phew!

@Everybody, please try not to find any bugs! :lol:
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Re: IX Magic

Post by thOke »

IXix wrote: @thOke I was worried for a few minutes because Buzz crashed every time I tried to load another Magic song after Pearl Magic.bmx but it seems to be coming from the Pearl Drum, not Magic. Phew!
Ooops, sorry for the extra-urggghhs. ;)
Here is a pearl-free version.
Pearlfree Magic.zip
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IXix wrote:@Everybody, please try not to find any bugs! :lol:
Hard to know if something is a feature, a user error or actually a bug yet! :D
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Re: IX Magic

Post by thOke »

And another tester :!:
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Re: IX Magic

Post by IXix »

thOke wrote:Hard to know if something is a feature, a user error or actually a bug yet! :D
Yeah, I know about that. A couple of times I've wasted half an hour or so chasing a bug only to realise that I've either forgotten how it's supposed to work or just made a stupid mistake. :lol:

Like the latest test and the pearl free. I can tell you're having fun! :dance:
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Re: IX Magic

Post by tinga »

Two days I turn around the machine, Magic is a great sequencer, a mix of Chahur's pattern XP and Snowglobe's ScaleWalker, with many IX goodies, Accumulator (threshold increased to 3024), the "page state" is a killer feature, chord system is very musical with the inversions system and the total customisations possibilities, editable labels for everything, 8-) very useful, I like the concept, we can write the structure before music, very important, multi tempo, a sequencer with "do loop", for n=1 to x repeat, goto line or page, (for the random, as you can see in the bmx rondo, I have to write a second C7#9, the probability for the last step fire =0), also a sort of Schrödinger's cat paradox, after 256, pages return to 1,2,3,4... but I receive a message when I want to erase these shadow pages, "do you want to remove page 260", so this page exists and doesn't exist at the same time, strong, so take care after page 256, we enter in the quantum world :lol: , but who will create more than 256 pages.
I like so much the chords system, and chords are scales, C7/9/11#/13 is seven notes chord (very sexy), many chords are missing in the list so I will be proud to add some, anyway I started, I can't survive without a 9# or some 9/13, several label for a same chord is a good idea, we can make copy paste from pdf method or web site, its what I've done for "giant step" chords change.
Thank you thOke for your example, good drum and good music.
Magix in all my futures bmx, you can be sure of that!
Magix, a giant step in Buzz, Happy 2019.
First test with Magic
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Bmx "rondo" doesn't work correctly, just set the threshold parameter of the second track of the external "accumulator" on 8, and sounds change.
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Re: IX Magic

Post by IXix »

256 Pages?! I should have known! :lol:

I'm glad you like it. I can't investigate the problems you mention just yet but I'll try to look at it later. I'm looking forward to seeing what's inside that zip file.

More chords would be welcome and it would be good if someone could check that the currently included chords are actually correct (I think they are but...)

Any suggestions for improvements to the documentation would be welcome too.
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Re: IX Magic

Post by IXix »

tinga wrote:Bmx "rondo" doesn't work correctly, just set the threshold parameter of the second track of the external "accumulator" on 8, and sounds change.
I *think* that it's not working as you expect because both tracks of the accumulator are targeting Magic track 0 and one track is blocking the output of the other. There may be a problem with Accumulator or Magic or there may be no actual bug at all, just unexpected but technically correct (though not necessarily desirable) behaviour. I'll try to figure out what if anything is going wrong as soon as I can but debugging this kind of thing melts my feeble brain.

For now, if you select Sequence 2 and look in the Magic status bar, you'll see it's not being triggered (the counter should count down). If you then change the the second Accumulator track target to 1 instead of 0, you should see Sequence 2 start to count down and it seems to work as I think it should.

Going to investigate the Page numbering now...

edit: There can technically be 65535 Pages (although whether a combo box could actually list that many is questionable) and the numbering is correct. The problem is that the machine uses a byte to store the index of the current page, so when you try to select Page 257, it overflows and the combo shows Page 1 as current instead instead of the actual current Page which is 257. Fix coming soon.

edit edit: Also noticed that the Page combo doesn't have a scrollbar. I've never had more than about six Pages so I hadn't noticed. :lol:
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Re: IX Magic - Updated Jan 13th 2019

Post by IXix »

Okay, tiny update. Fixed the Page problem tinga reported. New file in the first post.

Old files will load fine in the new version but new files won't load in the old version (IIRC it should issue a warning telling you what version created the file and abort the load.)
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Re: IX Magic - Updated Jan 13th 2019

Post by tinga »

IX wrote:For now, if you select Sequence 2 and look in the Magic status bar, you'll see it's not being triggered (the counter should count down). If you then change the the second Accumulator track target to 1 instead of 0, you should see Sequence 2 start to count down and it seems to work as I think it should.
Yes Of course, and I'm stupid because I did this in another file (but without really knowing why), sorry, its a new machine :oops:
IX wrote:Okay, tiny update. Fixed the Page problem tinga reported. New file in the first post.
I have to use more than 256 pages, if not I'm just a pain in the neck.
Thank you for the update.
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