HerrFornit wrote: Did you test the horizontal view in MSE with AudioBlock? Here it hangs.
Now I did test it. Two instances of AudioBlock, it works on my Win 10 System, also switching during playback.
Yes, I could read errormessages, a few belong to BTD stuff, which is logic

During startup of Rebuzz, you can see the errormessages, but you have to move the mouse, to the started rebuzz-symbol in the taskbar or so, which is a pitty ... (or is it a pain in the a..,) anyway not as annoying as fixing these things ...
Hope the guys still are succesful and it the project get's more and more developers, a whole bunch of very talented people were once related to Buzztracker ...
O.k., back to the topic, some stuff like ld-mixer does not show up at all, is there a Blacklist, which cannot be edited, same with the splashes? I love this ld-mixer, cause you can work similar to a console with it ... Mixio cannot ... So you have to use effevt chains, but perrhaps one day in the future ...
HalyVerb does load fine on my System ...btw
Sgorpi's MTW seems to have a graphical problem, the plugins graphics seem to flicker and pulse, so the volume level seems to hang and the rest is "flickering" ... A pitty, cause you could choose the recording settings, I found no way in EasyRec for this ...
At least, but not last: The live recorded instruments sounded very good ... the sound engine seems fine to my ears ...
Finally: For what reason are Rout 808 and 909 "skins' in the Rebuzz install? A new way of "skinning" machines?
So, ehm, good night for now ...