Old files keep crashing PVST, MIDI Driver names have changed

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Old files keep crashing PVST, MIDI Driver names have changed

Post by groovelastig »

Hey everyone,

long-time buzzer, first-time user of this forum (used to post a lot in the buzzchurch days). :dance:

I have a peculiar and slightly stupid problem:

When I try to open old files (some made with build 1144, some made with build 1216), Buzz keeps crashing with this message: Sorry, plugin is missing ... C:\Programme\Jeskola Buzz Experimental\Gear\VST\midivst 'Multiface MIDI (2)'

I've had this problem before, with Polac ASIO I/O, when transitioning Files from an old Windows XP Machine to my current Win 8.1 x64 install. In Win 7 and Win 8, and I think the naming convention of RME Hammerfall devices has changed slightly, which would probably sufficient to make the project crash.

Does one of you have a work-around to
- either remove the plugin from the PVST Loader and load just the pattern without plugin
- or remove the machine from the bmx project
- or import all machines except this one to an empty project?

Thankful for every idea!

Crash log:
Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: buzz.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 569a6b9e
Fehlermodulname: Jeskola Pattern XP.dll
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 569a6b76
Ausnahmecode: c0000005
Ausnahmeoffset: 0000115d
Betriebsystemversion: 6.3.9600.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
Zusatzinformation 1: 5861
Zusatzinformation 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2
Zusatzinformation 3: 6ee2
Zusatzinformation 4: 6ee2432e64e99bdcea5e4be767a3b1a2
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Re: Old files keep crashing PVST, MIDI Driver names have cha

Post by JMC »

Your file is lost and you should delete your computer :lol:

But before you can try...
to rename the "missing" dll, if it is there but missing, some how.
to upgrade your buzz and machines and get an actual one from http://jeskola.net/buzz/ and http://buzz.robotplanet.dk/
to downgrade your buzz, and install the old buzz and massive pack with the old machines or may just try to install the single old machine dll into the new buzz.
or to copy the machines into a new file as here viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2189
there is also some where a buzz file fix tool (just forgot the name right now) it comes with the old buzz packs some how, this app should be able to remove machines from the file with out opening buzz, if you try such tools it is important to save the restored file under a new name, and the new file, as i fear, will not load but crash buzz even bevore loading.

... maybe some one else has other ideas if every thing goes wrong

... or you still have to delete your computer :lol: :dance:
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Re: Old files keep crashing PVST, MIDI Driver names have cha

Post by groovelastig »

I opened the file and as always buzz did crash when i removed the SinDist.
The old bmx fix tool did not help, the problem got woerse and buzz did crash emeadiatly after loading the restored file from BuzzHelper.exe.

... at the end I did just open the file with this nasty SinDist and then i pressed CTRL and clicked every Instrument to select them but not the SinDist machine, then i did copy them over the edit menu, opened a new file and then i could paste every thing into a new file without SinDist.

This was the way to remove an unremoveable machine/effect/generator that is crashing buzz when deleting or removing from the file.
Hey, thanks for your reply!

I saw your thread (quote above) but didn't quite get what you did in the middle part.
CTRL+Click when opening buzz?
CTRL+Click when opening the .bmx file associated with buzz.exe?
Or is this something you did in BuzzHelper.exe?

Also, the machine itself is there - it just points to a MIDI device in my interface that now has a different name (Win XP > Win 8).
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Re: Old files keep crashing PVST, MIDI Driver names have cha

Post by JMC »

I did just open the faulty file, the file did still load but it did crash when i killed a faulty machine in it.
so i was still able to open the file, but some machines did not work correctly (i was not able to remove the machine)

so i did click with the mouse in the upper corner of the buzz machine view and clicked, then i did move the mouse to the lower corner at the other side of the screen while i still held the clicked mousebutton.
in that way you can select multiple machines.
Because i dont know how to unselect a single machine, i selected all possible machines with this move but not the faulty machine, at the side of the faulti machine i still had some unselected machines which i added to the selection with holding the control they on the keyboard Ctrl and clicking on the desired machines.
So you can select all machines.
Then you will find in the toolbar of buzz a edit menu where you can copy the selected machines.
now you can just open a new project/file, you dont need to save the old file where you copy machines from, just open a new file and then go back to the toolbar and under the menu entry Edit you click on paste.
now all machines are in the new file, just not the faulty machine, because this was the only one you did not select and copy.

the other restore bmx tool i used before was from old buzz, i have no idea if it ever did work, in my case it did generate a file with did crash buzz emediately, i could not even see the machines and i would not trust on that app, even if it looks good, it may only work with the old buzz.

Your problem seems some how to be this missing machine if i get it right?
this can be because, as i just guess, you do not have the machine, so you need to search this machine.
or you have the old machine and it does not work in the new buzz, may its even on the blacklist in the gear.xml file? So buzz cant see it even if it is there.
Or you have an old machine that would work in the new buzz if you just update the machine.

by the way there is also a way to install the old buzz and new buzz parallel, in that way you could use the old buzz for old files and the new buzz for new files. its maybe also an idea.

and because the midi stuff... may you need to open your settings or options, in the toolbar, and then select some midi controller? may you must assign some knobs to some midi activities?
If this does not help i have only one last idea, and this will be brutal and maybe realy delete your computer, go into the registry and search for every occurance of your midi thing and rename every such string into the old name, maybe in that way you can get your new controller to look like an other controller, but i fear in that way you will kill the whole registry and your whole system and if not it will maybe not work any way, because it may takes more than just a registry string to identify a driver or similar.

Did you ever try this one http://buzz.robotplanet.dk/machineinfo.php?id=7934 1.1.10b30?
sorry, or may better this here http://www.xlutop.com/buzz/ ;) because the date is 2014 here ;)
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Re: Old files keep crashing PVST, MIDI Driver names have cha

Post by polac »

You should be able to fix it via editing the bmx/bmw with a hexeditor. Search for a string called "MID". After this string follows a hex value which must be changed. Values you can set are 0xff for internal midi or 0x00 to 0xfe for other midi devices.
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