Noob MIDI question…

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Re: Noob MIDI question…

Post by invisible_sweater »

Excellent, thank you so much for the links and the info! I'm sure it will save me a whole bunch of time transcribing my Buzz songs for guitar. It's greatly appreciated!
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Re: Noob MIDI question…

Post by Candle »

No problem. Glad I could help :D

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Re: Noob MIDI question…

Post by invisible_sweater »

Hey, me again! So everything else worked great, as far as the Pattern XP Mod and exporting the track as MIDI data. But importing it into Power Tab is not working for some reason.

As per the screenshot, it can't find any tracks inside the MIDI file. I confirmed that Buzz has exported the MIDI successfully by playing the file in Windows Media Player, it sounds exactly how it should. What I'm working with is a singular track from the most recent Polac VSTi, it's a complicated bassline I did in DSK BassZ that I'm trying to adapt for guitar. So it sounds like it exported right, and the MIDI should translate to guitar tab no problem, but Power Tab acts like it's an empty file.

Did anyone else here have any issues like this, and did you find a fix?

I'm assuming there's probably something newer than Power Tab at this point, re-downloading it tonight I realized it hasn't seen an update since 2008! So that's what I'm looking into next. Will post here if I find anything relevant to the topic. Thanks again for all the help!
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Re: Noob MIDI question…

Post by Candle »

Hmm… I'm having a similar problem with the test BMX I just cobbled together. I've got a simple 4/4 C Major arpeggio being played by a VSTi (HG Fortune's Fortune Cookie 2012) patched through Note Detector which then sends (via MIDI) the note information to IX Split. When I try to record the 16 Tick sequence (F7), nothing is recorded in the Split tracks. And as I watch Note Detector, it doesn't seem to be detecting any notes (i.e. the Note Detected indicator at the top of its Parameter window does not change). And when I exported the MIDI file from Pattern XP Mod there was nothing there either (which I wasn't surprised at, given the lack of note information from note Detector or Split). I checked the MIDI file using Kazuya's MIDI to Peer C2 & it was empty. However if I MIDI Export directly from the VSTi in Pattern XP Mod, I get MIDI information in MIDI 2 Peer C2.

However, when I try to inport this workign MIDI file into Power TAB Editor it doesn't show any tracks :? So I opened the file with a MIDI Sequencer program (I use Sekaiju) & it told me that the file's "Data Time Resolution was too high (3840 TPQN)" & that it was going to convert the file down to 960 TPQN. It also had all the MIDI events in the first track (usually reserved for MIDI Commands & not Note Data), so it wanted to move it all into the 2nd track (which I did). So then I saved the MIDI file with these modifications (took 2 seconds) & then I was able to inport the MIDI file just fine into Power TAB. So it looks like the problem is with Pattern XP Mod & how it encodes the MIDI file. But opening it in Sekaiju (or a similar MIDI sequencer, I would assume) should hopefully fix the file so that it then can be inported into Power TAB. It's an extra step in the process, but really, it only adds a minute or so to the inport process. Not horrible in the grand scheme of things, I would think.

Still not sure why I can't get Note Detector -> Split working, tho… :?

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Re: Noob MIDI question…

Post by invisible_sweater »

Thanks for the reply! I appreciate you trying that out! I still haven't done a lot with Note Detector or IX, but as a guitar guy I can definitely see a lot of potential there. I've been using some older VSTs from Fretted Synth to process my guitar signal through ASIO in Buzz to some cool effects, but it's limited compared to what IX Split could do.

Anyway, I asked my guitar pedal group on FB what newer free tab programs exist, as a substitute for Power Tab. Someone suggested I check out TuxGuitar, and sure enough, my same exported MIDI file from Buzz from the other night loads right up in TuxGuitar. It's the middle of the night, so I have yet to actually play the tab on a guitar to check for accuracy. It looks and sounds right on the computer though.

Of course there are places where you would have to choose different positions to play the notes, but I don't think any MIDI to tab algorithm is going to be as good as a real human in that regard. So I don't mind optimizing the tab to be easier to play, a lot of the legwork is done and overall, I think it worked out pretty well.

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