Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

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Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by nikto »

I know I can't ask or hire any programmer (from the ones available to me), to code an audio track into new buzz sequencer, because, obviously, Buzz code is owned by one single person.

I'd say, if Buzz had an audio track to enable record and basic audio manipulation (like btd's, only properly done and usable), I would readily pay a decent dollar for this program.

Afaik the btd's code is available, let's organize something, a financing\donations campain to petition Oskari to implement audio track? I mean, come on! Don't you guys want it?
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by mcbpete »

Couple of queries:

What's wrong with the BTDSys' version - What's it not doing that you need it to do ?
Why do you need it to be Oskari to programme it, the joy of the modular system is that *anyone* can build plugins for the thing ...

... and if you want to donate then just hit the donate button at the bottom of the homepage ( ) there's no need to do any 'petitioning' - he's bloody worked his arse off for the last decade or so to create this ace bit of software and I'm sure any penny sent his way would be appreciated. Don't force him to make a machine to get you to donate !
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by nikto »

what I mean is an audio track running alongside with patterns in the arranger, and which allows quick recording, cutting, resizing etc of audio pieces with a click of the mouse. The usual thing you do everywhere including Reaper, Ableton etc, nothing fancy.

btd's audiotrack is not responsive to the mouse, and it takes a lot of manipulations to do basic things, like move\nudge the audio piece, while split\join totally impossible. That's why I find it unusable.

And even if I commission some code, how can I incorporate it (with those necessary features, like mouse-operated waves rearranging) in a new sequencer without changing the main Buzz code?
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by Evelon »

nikto wrote:what I mean is an audio track running alongside with patterns in the arranger, and which allows quick recording, cutting, resizing etc of audio pieces with a click of the mouse. The usual thing you do everywhere including Reaper, Ableton etc, nothing fancy.
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by double07 »

I donate when I can but I would give a very large donation for a feature like that.
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by nikto »

a targeted fundraising would be awesome of course, but it has to be initiated and approved by the dev

although, judging by the recent sparse activity, buzz development seems to have been stalled (again) for some reasons.

and all these 'no dubstep' notes on the download page may signify not so bright future prospects: from a particularly nasty mood swing, to motivation loss, aversion to electronic music in general, etc.

so personally i wouldn't raise any hopes.
i'm using more and more energyxt, because i no longer find it reasonable to entrust my aspirations to a program which is developed and supported by one and only person; too much of a human factor here, and risk of abandonment.

only teamwork
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by UNZ »

nikto wrote:only teamwork

(shut the fuck up and code some buzz machines :)
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by nikto »

UNZ wrote:
nikto wrote:only teamwork
(shut the fuck up and code some buzz machines :)
yeah, great attitude, thanx dude. 'stop teaching me how to live and go drill some oil' would probably be a reply, but i'll refrain.

talk like this usually signifies a lost touch with reality, so congrats.
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by mantratronic »

Four other people have contributed to the wavetable view, and three of us had to learn a new language to do it. It's a bit offensive when you forget that, and not at all motivating for us.

As I mentioned in another thread, you can contribute by creating a web page with a list of developers, what they work on, and a donation button for each. Maybe then the targeted donations that you seem to want could be done.
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by nikto »

mantratronic, i'm sorry if my words discouraged you, i didn't mean any disrespect to people who contribute, quite on the contrary. What i meant is that development happens very sporadically, and buzz is good enough to deserve decent project management, with clear roadmap, some kind of concept.
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by UNZ »

nikto wrote:decent project management, with clear roadmap, some kind of concept.
the thing is, most of us have THAT at work and its the last fucking thing we want to have when doing stuff on our free time... we're all just innit for the fun too (the devs) and thats why stuff that's annoying to do just doesn't get done.

how would it work anyway?
who would manage it ?
and who is he to command us other free-time-devs around ?
what happens if someone doesn't finish his stuff, do you "fire" him ?

money MIGHT be an incentive, but to be honest i don't think everyone works like that: some of us would not want to do boring stuff even if paid handsomly.

capable devs willing to invest time into it are rare and this is why i (half jokingly) wrote STFUACSBM. We could really use a few motivated, capable devs with lots of time who are willing to give a hand, but where do we steal them?
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by Joachip »

I'm afraid I agree. Money wouldn't do much, at least to me. Instead, If you could somehow make the earth rotate a bit slower, and have 27 hours a day, I'd have more free time to stuff like this.

Until then, I'm afraid we'll have to accept the fact that Buzz is a tracker, and works as such. Here's a few approaches I've been making when working with e.g. vocal tracks:

1) Cut the whole vocal tracks into 10-20 pieces and play those from a sample player like Mtrk or UTrk. I know it's not super convenient, but it's still an acceptable solution, I think.
2) Use more than Buzz. For example, do all the stuff in Buzz that is easy to do there, then render the resulting .wav files out, and stuff them into a real multitrack .wav editor like Samplitude or whatever. I do this too sometimes.

I'm not saying adding such a .wav track is impossible at all, but until someone codes it, I think the best way to get results is to accept that "Buzz is a hammer. Don't try drilling holes with it." ;)
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by UNZ »

btw, something i might actually finish some day (NO PROMISES):
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by mute »

nikto wrote:and all these 'no dubstep' notes on the download page may signify not so bright future prospects: from a particularly nasty mood swing, to motivation loss, aversion to electronic music in general, etc.
you made me laugh with this ;) fact is, dubstep is hated by the majority of electronic music listeners. it quickly turned into a cross-over genre that attracts younger people, wannabe ravers, and rocknrollers. the people who try and say there is dubstep, but then there is the real dubstep (aka not skrillex), are fighting a lost battle. dub and bass eccentric electronic fans/artists have a particular distaste for it. none of this has to do with buzz or mood swings or motivation loss. im sure oskari likes alot of music i dont like, im sure i like alot of music he doesn't like.. but that doesnt influence my opinion of him (or anyone).. or his software.

anyways, this is a good topic. i was hoping by now the main sequencer would have been getting a rehaul. if i have any disappointed thoughts about buzz its that the sequencer has been ignored for so long, but i understand its a daunting task.
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by strobotone »

It´s like the guys said : money won´t help when you have a fulltime job and maybe a small family to run.
i´d love to convert components like the old sequencer into some WPF-based wonderland but there is just not enough time (yet)
and there is also some learning involved :)
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by szaszhareen »

strobotone wrote:It´s like the guys said : money won´t help when you have a fulltime job and maybe a small family to run.
i´d love to convert components like the old sequencer into some WPF-based wonderland but there is just not enough time (yet)
and there is also some learning involved :)
learning indeed! i'd love to be able to contribute more to the ongoing buzz project in the form of actually creating machines and improving the gui, but my knowledge of coding stalled out around 2002 when I had to stop going to college to work a job that could pay my bills - i had to pick between grades at uni and living on the street. these days i've been focusing more on trying to actually make some damn music - as MT has said, once you start coding, you make way less music. all of us only have so much time to devote to our "hobbies". even working <30 hours a week I still find barely enough time to practice playing piano and pump out 1 track a month, if that. time is a cocksucker and it waits for no man.

even with all the things that could or should be there, buzz is still the strongest "daw" i can put my hands on, and for the price, you really can't get any better. even if development stalls every so often, it kicks everything else i could use out of the water. i'm just glad it's here and that there's so many people working on it continually.
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Re: Buzz native wave track: can we have it, please?

Post by Zephod »

What could also help is a REALLY well thought out concept + mockup + featurelist.

That way implementation can be sortof a home-run.

So far there have been very few actually well thought out suggestions put out there on the internet for free-time programmers to implement - If you don't feel like learning how to program, maybe you should take a stab at designing?
With some of the xaml wizards around the buzz-scene the entire interface can be prototyped in advance.. and then handed over to 1 or more programmers to be hooked up to actual functionality.

Get the ball rolling... you never know where it might end..
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