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Post by onecircles »

I've been dealing with equipment problems for months but now that's mostly behind me. I'm working on music full time now, and I get to switch from equipment problems to composition orchestration etc problems. I love buzz and I'm going to keep it as my main tool for working in the electronic space. I have a lot to learn. I'm ready to go. Buzz seems to be in it's twilight. The devs aren't working on it very much and there are no new machines being programmed. It's my home though. I value it a lot, and I value you guys a lot. This forum is pretty slow, but I know some of you are pretty active with buzz. I'm going to be on here a lot for the foreseeable future. Let's keep buzz alive, and do amazing work with it!

Here's my setup.

I've got my little itx pc using a juli@xte sound card, balanced outs going to an acoustic guitar amplifier and a qsc k-10 pa speaker. Guitar goes into my art-tube mp studio pre amp and into the card, vocals do the same. I have an fcb 1010 midi pedal I'm using to control guitar rig and parameters in buzz. I have an MPD26 I'm using to program beats in geist, and finally I bought a Kurzweil Midi Board which is supposedly one of the best midi controllers ever made. It feels amazing to play on, has polyphonic after touch and is highly programmable.

I still need a pre-amp for my classical guitar so I can process it's signal separately from my voice, I need another midi cable and another xlr cable to use everything I've got.

Running a computer into an amp can lead to some serious noise issues, which I've mainly solved by only using balanced cables. I'm going to build a DI box and try that. My whole computer will likely haveto be rebuilt at a later date, because in the ITX format I'm not sure the pcie slot is electrically isolated enough from the cpu, but I can't afford it for now. I've already replaced everything in the computer except the sound card (can't get them anymore) and the cpu, but many of my problems remain. It's ok because all my noise issues are gone now that i'm exclusively using balanced cables, except for an intermittent whistle which may or may not be a solvable problem. I'm considering buying some ferrite beads. If you are having noise issues the ham radio community has a lot to say about rfi!

Here's my sound cloud. https://soundcloud.com/aaron-beau-wolcott

I'm going to post some electronic music on there in the coming months. I'm going to try to knock out an ep real quick to get me going.

Anyway, hello :)
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Re: Hello

Post by szaszhareen »

hello! sounds like a pretty sweet setup you've got going there. :)
onecircles wrote: It's my home though. I value it a lot, and I value you guys a lot. This forum is pretty slow, but I know some of you are pretty active with buzz. I'm going to be on here a lot for the foreseeable future. Let's keep buzz alive, and do amazing work with it!
it's a good place to call home. i know what you mean, i value the hell out of this forum and buzz. if not for buzz i would still be laying awake at night dreaming about making music and knowing i could never afford the gear or software to do it. plus, peer machines. :dance:

which reminds me, time for me to donate again, especially now that we have build 1500!

good stuff on your SC, i like qualification a lot. did you use a harmonium on sleeping in flitered light?

my focus lately has been on learning fundamentals like reading sheet music, learning theory, and playing piano. but i still get my buzz on and get to the forum whenever i can.

buzz on buzzer! :mrgreen:
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Re: Hello

Post by onecircles »

Hello again! I wasn't able to jump straight in as I had planned when I made this post because shortly after I had a bad accident and cut off the side of my thumb. It healed up really well though, and everything is fine :D Then after that a band asked me to do their album art for their vinyl press (I paint too) so I was really busy doing watercolor paintings for them for several months. I'll post the pictures in this thread sooner or later. It's a cityscape juxtaposing elements of Byzantium and Sao Paulo.

I continued to have noise issues as well, but 850ish dollars later everything is finally fixed. The first thing was that I bought a lynx e22 analog interface. This fixed an intermittent whistling that was likely happening with my old card because it wasn't that great, and in my itx computer the sound card is right next to the power supply! Also, my whole sound is just a lot better now because the lynx stuff has utterly superlative ad/da converters.

Sadly I still had noise issues though! After talking to lynx the answer emerged, which was that I had some impedance issues. I send my interface into my guitar amp and it turns out, that if you want to do that you need to use a DI box backwards or a specially made "reamp" box. I bought the radial pro rmp and it totally fixed the last of my issues. It also fixed a pretty bad ground loop I was dealing with. I still have some intermittent popping when I'm running my guitar through the computer, but I expect it might be an arcing problem. I'm hoping it will be fixed by a DI box, which I'll likely get in the next little while.

I've spent the last couple weeks really getting to know my kurzweil midiboard. It's a pretty beastly keyboard. It's only a midi controller, but it's tremendously sensitive and has a plethora of features including polyphonic aftertouch, and lots of advanced midi control capabilities. Mine was sold in 1988. I've been using it to play buzz as a host for qsamo mostly.

I'm doing music full time again, and I'm on this forum every day. Lately I've been trying to get a bunch of my old music to work and running into a problem where buzz crashes when it doesn't have a required instrument. Some of my older things have cheapo amp in them, and even though it's in my files, it's saying it's not in there, and then it crashes.

I'll try not to annoy everyone by posting too much but it's probably inevitable since buzz, piano and guitar are pretty much my life now.

Hello again. This time for real.
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